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Real-time electrospindle monitoring: GC presents Smart Spindle at Xylexpo 2022

Sep 30, 2022 | Products

GC has created a new intelligent device to monitor the activity of each electrospindle in real time.

It is GC Smart Spindle, which will be officially unveiled to the general public Oct. 12-15 at Xylexpo 2022.

Using a dual-core microcontroller, GC Smart Spindle collects information from the electrospindle in real time and continuously.

GC Smart Spindle reports the status of the device through an RGB LED indicator that produces sequences of colored flashes.

In questo modo consente di controllare costantemente l’attività, e di accorgersi tempestivamente di eventuali problematiche in modo che possano essere gestite con prontezza.

In addition, GC Smart Spindle saves all the data that is collected during the operation of the electrospindle: the analysis of this information makes it possible to carry out diagnostics at any time, plan preventive maintenance and avoid the risk of machine downtime.

Per conoscere più da vicino GC Smart Spindle vi aspettiamo dal 12 al 15 ottobre 2022 a Fieramilano (Rho-Pero) durante Xylexpo: ci trovate al padiglione 22, nello stand D08.

Our technical staff will remain available for further information, to assess customers' need and to formulate the relevant quotation.
